I’m still here…

…just surrounded by piles of new books, so you can’t see me. Yes, it’s that time of year again – it has been for a while, really . All the orders have now been placed, but we’ve still got loads of invoices to pay, and plenty of new books and the odd non-book item to process and catalogue. It’s been busy, to say the least, and will continue to be so for a good while yet – even after we’ve finished with all the new acquisitions we have to deal with a couple of large collections of books arriving from other parts of the university and quite a few run-of-the-mill donations. So much for it being ‘the quiet time of year’!

Other things:

  • The social media group have completed our evaluation report and we’re continuing with the Twitter account, although we’ve yet to receive an official response from library management.
  • I’ve been doing quite a bit of editing/updating of the library’s webpages – mainly adding items to the news box!

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